by Reg Johnston
Near death experiences abound these days and have essentially silenced those skeptics who once vociferously claimed there is no existence beyond this physical state. I have had several discussions with hard core atheists who either present a lame scientific explanation or refuse to talk about it at all.
In any event N.D.Es can no longer be logically ignored and the majority of them contain fundamental similarities that are most impressive.
However I have frequently been asked the question "if there is no hell why are there so many N.D.E. accounts of excursions in hell?" My reply was/is we create our own reality while in this physical realm. Many of us were reared under the auspices of fundamental Christianity which preached liberal doses of eternal torture in hell for sins committed while alive here on earth. Although many of us have moved past this mindset, I think it possible that there remains, albeit subconscious, residual contamination which is instrumental for some of us creating what we expect to experience when we come close to death.
What are your thoughts Carl?
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