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I was born and raised as a Christian. As a child it was something I really cherish with all me. I can count my fingers in my hands how many times I had
Most people don't know how to nurse their emotional wounds. Wounds that don't heal can contaminate every aspect of your life. Open wounds affect how you
I lost the man of my dreams due to certain circumstances and the hardest part was our love for each other still remains. I just couldn't understand how
Near death experiences abound these days and have essentially silenced those skeptics who once vociferously claimed there is no existence beyond this physical
I am just starting my journey. Following the death of my son, I have experienced many ADC's. Ryan has spoken directly to me through my husband, sharing
Heaven and Hell were created from a multitude of reasons. It was born from fear and lack of knowledge. It was the answers that humans on a metaphysical
The truth of our being is spiritual or God. Stated another way we are expressions of God occupying this conscious human form. God, I believe, is the almighty
Continue reading "The truth of our being is spiritual or God."
Hi Carl Interested in knowing your perspective on why our collective reality (non awakened) seems to be so artfully created in every aspect of our lives,
After reading your books, the parable of the mustard seed and the tree has come into my awareness in a profound, unexplainable way. I've come to know that
The greatest difference between the power of intention and caring is that while caring attaches us to illusory outcomes we have accepted as important,
There are different kinds of knowing that have not found their way into the mainstream of knowledge. As such, we are missing the biggest part of knowing.
Continue reading "Is Knowledge What You Know or What you Don't Know?"
Is life a journey? Or is it something else? Sometimes we are so taken with it that we forget how to enjoy it.
Intuition is inherent in everyone of us. Most of us have forgotten how to access our intuitive insight.
Intention, as a way to live life, is the way to greater abundance, inner peace, and happiness. Intention disconnects you from outcomes and makes doing what matters.
Life exists because we know it to. We exist because it is the way it is, you know? Heaven and Hell are simply the understanding of good and evil. Both
Continue reading "Everything that you fathom is in your mind. "
Meditation is a gateway into the inner discovery of you... the I Am within. It is the way to awareness of your highest creative self.
Continue reading "Meditation - Quiet Mind, Open Heart, Discovered Soul"
Our insight, or innner sight, is masked by the unique conditioning we are raised with. Clarity of insight is proportional to how we rise above that conditioning.
Inner peace is the culmination of any search to find God, enlightenment, higher meaning or purpose in life, It always leads to a great resolve and calm that comes from deep within.
Inner guidance is something we all possess. However, most of us only hear noise. That noise is the noise of excessively chattering mind.
The identity we like to present to the world is not who we really are. We are more than any mind-made reality.
Continue reading "Your Identity - Are You Who You Think You Are?"
Honesty is not a natural condition of the egoically-conditioned human mind. We literally do not know, individually or collectively, how to tell the truth.
Two years ago my life fell apart. I was losing my job and my husband. I couldn't believe what was happening. It was also the one year anniversary of my
Happiness should be the inevitable state of our existence. Everything in life should bring us joy for no other reason than the experience of it!
Having gratitude for every aspect of your life is likely the best way to live in this physical experience. After all, we created it!
I have found that when I changed my direction from looking outside for Spiritual Awakening and turned my focus Inside... Heart and Mind and Planet Connection...
When my dad died and the priest started reading the gita, saying things like we are the soul.... I srarted getting pissed inside. I said to myself, here
This is the passage that kept me reading: The cause of humans' greatest struggles results when whom we have become egotistically conflicts with who we
Written by Ernest Holmes, it points the way to who we really are - part of the great I am.
I received this photo in an email from a friend. He said it had a simple and profound message about awakening. I didn't understand what it mean at all.
The creation of the earth continues through the each of us and by us. We are the gods who looked upon the vast depths of space and said, "Let there be light!"
Consciousness is mind created and constructed from lifetime of learning what should be filtered from the true reality. What we are aware of is not all there is.
Continue reading "Your Consciousness is Your Three Dimensional Awareness - Is That All There Is?"
True confession is owning up to the reality that our condition, our reality is different, distant and out of sync with who we really are. Our only confession should be to the inner knowing god.
Compassion is the non-egoic form of caring. It is unattached to the forms and illusions of this reality.
Clairvoyance, or clear sight, like intuition, is the inward knowing of self that is God. Clear sight is insight or inner knowing.
Christ, which is a term often used in reference to Jesus, is not a name but a title. The term would later signify what Jesus was all about, but such references are largely untrue.
A shallow life? Probably. Cowardice? Perhaps. A world of toil and luck, most certainly, that of the non-believer, and yet he won't die disillusioned
Continue reading "Jane! Stop this crazy thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
In my Christ consciousness I question why death if indeed I am god as my creator God is without death, also my Lord and brother Jesus paid my sin price,
Continue reading "WHY DEATH NOW if I am god ps.82:6? Does God die?"
The embodiment's egoic mind is a collective artificial intelligence mechanism designed for survival, overriding pure consciousness, thus, the god within.
Is the Newtown, CT massacre an evil act? If good and evil don't exist, how are we to rationalize such horrific acts
The western idea of abundance generally accepts the theory that more is better. We are conditioned to chase after greater 3-D wealth while at our core, we possess so much more creative power.
Has helped me realize that the person I have is myself and once I break from my imposed limitations I start becoming free...!!
Do exterior things trigger memories that will bring me back to a place I do not want to be? You say one creates our own me, I did not think
Did God created humans? Then who created Adam and Eve
Continue reading "Did God created the world, and other planets, humans etc?"
Discover your own Spiritual Intuition, the path to comprehending your life's purpose. Find keys to being inspired, enlightened and fully awakened.
Continue reading "Spiritual Intuition - Journey to Enlightenment, Awareness and Inspired Life"
Well after a year of intense awakening it turns out that every thought, action, word, wink, nod, event, item Ect.. has energy and that energy travels.