by Steven Redhead
(Malaga, Spain)
'The Laws of Creation' provides insight into 'The Secrets' of what the 'Laws of Attraction' are really about; Harnessing the power of Creation within us to make life what we truly desire.
Life has the meaning that we give it through capturing then using the power of creation to create a life really worth living. Don't be a creation of circumstance, take full control of your destiny, for we are masters of our own universe; we are the sole creator of ourself. You should never settle for anything less than what you already set out to achieve. Life is a game, that you should play by your own rules; life is indeed what we make it.
Success is the true joy and wonder of life can only be yours if you follow your own intuition, aiming to achieve your bliss. You are the architect of your own life; use your will power to make those choices that will control your destiny, create your life path, your fortune. Start living by taking the control of your life now.
Open your mind to the infinite possibilities that exist for you. Born through your dreams, crystallised into form by your desires, given impetus by your expectations, then made real through your beliefs.
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