So Close and Yet So !@#$ Far

by erica

I thank God for you. I do. It occurs to me that I've waited my entire life for someone to tell me to, in fact (or in truth I prefer), Know, that I Am (We are) He. You said to AJ, that the focusing on the physical while pulling the spiritual with - will never work.

I believe that that is everything that's wrong with the world. We're living backwards, the majority of us.

Still erica is saying to me even as I write here today, "What if you're wrong?" I'm praising "Him" in my way as I walk around the house. I call His name, I say that I love you and I smile at the feeling which overwhelms me. Still, I hear "What if you're wrong?" I answer, "So Be It."

Pray for me :-) with all my love, erica

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May 27, 2012
Boat Ride
by: Carl


You are always such a delight! I can't think of anyone I could be more pleased to have in the "boat" with me (wired incorrectly or not:)). Yes indeed we will make it!! Completely and without regrets!

Love you lady....


May 24, 2012
What a heaven sent message I found in my inbox today!
by: needing this

Thank you for your post.

I'm in the boat right along side ya, your never alone :). Yes this backward motion commotion is a notion I've contemplated for a long time coming that my mind is so beautiful and capable but is wired incorrectly, this one here when it should be connected there.

Oh goodness, we will make it! Garsh darn it, we WILL make it!

May 23, 2012
So close and yet "So Close"
by: Carl


You're amazing. "So be it." Words to live by!

There is a gang of nay sayers that reside in our minds that judge us, criticize us, cajole us and ask the question "what if you're wrong?"

When all those voices are silenced you will hear the "god" that you are assure you that you cannot screw this up. There is no wrong nor is there a right. It just is.

As you said in your comment to AJ "BE." You already "are" my Dear Erica. No prayers needed but I'll do it anyway. Love you,


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