Ryan's Mom

by Stephanie Kendall
(Marysville, CA)

Ryan on left with best friend Alex

Ryan on left with best friend Alex

I am just starting my journey. Following the death of my son, I have experienced many ADC's. Ryan has spoken directly to me through my husband, sharing information my husband would not know. Each time this happens the room and every cell in my body vibrates with a celestial energy. It is very powerful. My son gives me the exact messages that are needed to help me through my grief. Besides the direct communication, Ryan communicates almost daily through signs. I know he lives. Sometimes he gives me a sign he heard me after I talk to him. Other times he just wants me to know he is with me. When I miss a sign, he finds a way to say it louder. Through his death I have become enlightened that there is a higher purpose an we are all connected. I feel driven to search for answers.

So my journey to enlightenment has started. I have been able to discern synchronicity and feel I am being guided in my search. It is truly amazing how in tune we are with others who have experienced an awakening. The messages are all the same.

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Nov 21, 2015
Ryan Calling
by: Carl

Hello Stephanie,

Thank you so very much for sharing something so deeply personal to you and my deepest sympathy for the loss of Ryan. I can feel the depth of your grief and yet at the same time I am amazed by the awareness that is unfolding for you.

I never question such things and believe everything. Our human experience is such a limited awareness that is coupled to all we have been taught to believe it is. I think at some level, all of us know there is something more, and in truth, it is so much more we can't comprehend it in human terms. Ryan is with you and I am so happy that you are experiencing him in whatever form he has taken.

You are so right about the messages and, while so many who have these kinds of experiences tend to reconnect them to the life they knew prior to them, they are the same. In fact, in my experience, it is not even a message but a knowing that resides in each and everyone of us. We never walk without this knowing but we do bury it under the conditioning we experience as humans.

I hope you never lose the attunement to others you now have. Everyone is enlightened and you, in time, will only see that part of others that radiates a light that everyone possesses. You might look at it as your light bringing out the light in others. I think Ryan is helping you with that.

Again, Stephanie, thank you so much. Always know that we are not these bodies and, while "what we are" far and away exceeds anything our minds can conceive, this is but a small little parentheses in the eternities. While the grief is real and the time seems long you and Ryan are always connected. My best wishes for you always.


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