My spiritual journey

by gemma

I have been searching for a very long time for something that I thought I could find outside of my self. It is only recently that a psychic friend told me to stop and look with myself and learn intuition techniques and explore my self.

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Apr 20, 2011
Spiritual Journey
by: Carl Bozeman


Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Your psychic medium was right and I am glad you have found a new place to look as you search for your truth.

Much like you, I was convinced that the answers to life's greatest questions existed outside somewhere and that my lack of answers was really nothing more then an inadequate search. It seemed the harder I searched the more elusive answers became until I gave up. It was in those moments of frustration that, what I call "knowing", settled on me and a peace I had never experienced before came upon me.

Since that time I have always found a solace and comfort knowing that within me and only me is the answer to any question. Now the trick is keeping the presence of mind to look inward, still the noise of my mind, and simply allow the intuitive voice (the voice of god) to instill assurance and knowing upon me.

I hope you can find this too as you continue your search, Gemma. There is a place within you that is like no other and it is where you can find refuge and peace. I hope you can experience it often.

Thanks again for sharing and all my best to you my fellow traveller. All my love and blessings,


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