After reading your books, the parable of the mustard seed and the tree has come into my awareness in a profound, unexplainable way. I've come to "know" that the seed and the tree are the exact same thing. The love that we may have thought of as only a small, insignificant seed is indeed, exactly the same as the magnificent towering tree. I somehow understood this about my mother, my father and others recently. It seems unreasonable, yet that small seed that seemed so small and nearly insignificant, was really a huge unending love to and from them. Somehow, in a mysterious and inexplicable way that love was the same. So beautiful, so expanding, full and gigantic!!! My question or thought as it may be per your suggestions: "The mystery cannot be explained, just enjoy it." Yes. It is completely unexplainable. Question: Can anyone understand this? Do you?
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