Nicely said, John. I mean Croydon boy. Sounds like you've had some practice. Appreciate you more than words. Love you, my friend.
Jul 18, 2017 Rating
Knowing yourself as a god by: Croydon Boy
Start by asking questions you already know the answers to: like should I help someone today or should I meditate today. Listen to the answers that come from within, so you become familiar with the voice. Then move to asking question that deal with your personal growth that you are pretty sure you know the answers. Such "as should I ...". Again wait to hear the voice. Now you are ready to ask "what can I do" the same voice will start to speak in clear thoughts. The more time you spend talking to the inner voice the more you can ask deeper questions.
Mar 01, 2016 Rating
Don't We All? by: Carl
Hello Guruprasad,
Thank you for the inquiry and I can say that I sense the strong desire you have to intercommunicate with god but I’m afraid that I don’t have an answer for you. I do not know of a sure way but I can say that, whatever it is, it is not an art. If it were we’d all be doing it.
At best all I can offer you is to let your earnestness to know god be a source of humility and motivation to continually seek her out. Ultimately you will find her in the depths of your soul and discover that all you thought god is, is not at all correct. What she is cannot be explained and when you find yourself without words to describe such sweetness you will have found the source of all that is and it will be YOU. Not the "you" you think you are but the indescribably you that is the creative center of the universe.
You might want to download the free book I offer in this site titled "Are You Listening? Addressing the Divine Within." It will set a framework for all your supplications to the god you seek. Ultimately, release all your thoughts about learning an "art" as you call it and just let the simple quietness of the unknown settle upon you and you will find that god is always there. That is, there within you. My best wishes for you, Guruprasad. Thanks, again for being in touch and always my love and best to you. Sincerely,
I was born and raised as a Christian. As a child it was something I really cherish with all me. I can count my fingers in my hands how many times I had
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