An Exciting August!

Hello from Carl Bozeman!
There’s so much happening in August. I wanted to share all the exciting things going on.
On Being God – Beyond Your Life’s Purpose will be doing an Amazon Best Seller launch on August 10, 2011.
There will be thousands of dollars of free gifts given to anyone who purchases the book or Kindle version of the book. There will be amazing things you can get absolutely free when you purchase your own copy of the book On Being God – Beyond Your Life’s Purpose. *Book purchase must be made through The free gifts are not available with e-book purchases through Watch for a special newsletter regarding this launch and the links to come out next week.
Wednesday, August 3 and Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I will be the guest on the “Awaken to Your Spiritual Power with Auriella” radio program. It airs at 5pm EDT, 4pm CDT, 3pm MDT and 2pm PDT each Wednesday. You don’t want to miss this program. I will be giving away free autographed copies of my book On Being God – Beyond Your Life’s Purpose on each show. And each show will be a different interview, so tune in for each! For more information about this show,
here is my profile page on Auriella's site.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I will be the featured guest on the “We Are One in Spirit” podcast with host Yvonne Perry, also known as Lavender Rose. Links and more information on this podcast will be out next week (I’ll be sure to remind you). After the show, I will post the link to the podcast you can listen at your leisure. You’re going to love it!
So watch for this next week.
Updating My Blog
Lastly, I will be re-vamping my blog and reposting all my previous blogs. The new blog will be much more interactive and easier to participate with comments. More to come on that in future newsletters.